Where do I file a criminal complaint?
- You can file a criminal complaint by contacting the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and requesting a deputy. You may also visit the Sheriff’s Office and file a complaint at the business office.
How do I file a criminal complaint?
- To file a criminal complaint you will be asked to fill out a criminal complaint form. A copy of this form is available to download from the link below. You will be asked who committed the crime, the crime you believe occurred, when the crime occurred, and a statement of the facts.

What happens when I file a criminal complaint?
- Once a criminal complaint is filed with the Sheriff’s Office a deputy is assigned to review the complaint and determine if it is a criminal issue. At that point an investigation is initiated where the deputy or deputies will collect evidence and/or interview witnesses. Once the investigation is complete and a determination is made that there is probable cause to believe a crime has occurred the offender may be arrested or cited. A further review by the Prosecuting Attorney may be requested by the investigating deputy. Reports and other documents are forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney on all criminal investigations. The Prosecuting Attorney may file charges at their discretion. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office may only hold an arrestee for 24 hours without the request and issuance of an arrest warrant or court order.
How long will someone who is arrested be in jail?
- Initially law enforcement can only hold an arrestee for 24 hours. If an arrest warrant is issued within the 24 hour time period then the arrestee will be held until they are able to post the bond listed on the arrest warrant or by order of the court.
What is the difference between a cash bond and a surety bond?
- If a bond is listed as a cash bond it means that the entire bond amount must be posted in full. The bond is later returned to the person that posted the bond minus any court costs, fines, fees, etc.
- If a bond is listed as a cash or surety bond it means that the full cash amount can be posted or a surety can be posted. A surety bond involves a bonding agent who will post the surety promising that you will appear for your court dates. The bonding agent charges a fee for their service that is not returned to whomever makes the payment to the agent. Fees for bonding agents vary. Any person wishing to use a bonding agent should contact the bonding agent to discuss the fees.
When can I visit someone who is in the Monroe County Jail?
- Regular visiting hours for the Monroe County Jail are on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 2pm and 4pm. Visitors must fill out a form and cannot be on probation or parole or be a victim, co-defendant, or potential witness in any case involving the inmate they wish to visit. For more jail information please visit our Jail Information Page
Will deputies contact me by telephone to advise me of jury duty?
- Yes. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office routinely contacts perspective jurors at the request of the courts. This is typically done by telephone advising the perspective juror of the date, time, and location of jury duty. The deputy cannot excuse you from jury duty and cannot give you any information about the nature of the case you are being called for. The deputy can provide you with contact information for court personnel who may be able to assist you with any scheduling difficulties.
How do I get in touch with a deputy?
- The Sheriff’s Business Office is open from 8 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. You can talk with a deputy by coming to the business office during normal hours. You may also contact the Sheriff’s Office by telephone at 660-327-4060 at any time and request to speak with the on duty deputy. In the event of an emergency please call 911 and Monroe County Joint Communications with dispatch appropriate emergency personnel including law enforcement if needed.
Can the Sheriff’s Office help me with an ex parte or an order of protection?
- Any Sheriff’s Deputy will gladly talk with you about an ex parte order of protection. These orders are generally used in instances where there is a fear of domestic abuse or stalking. Deputies are trained to determine if an ex parte order of protection fits your circumstances and will help you to obtain an ex parte in an emergency situation. All ex parte orders of protection are issued by the judge, who makes the final determination as to whether your situation warrants such an order. During regular business hours you may fill out an application and submit it directly to the Circuit Clerk’s Office for an ex parte order of protection.